AMWHO 2015

Directors' Letter

Dear prospective delegates and esteemed colleagues,

It is our honor and pleasure to welcome you to AMWHO 2015, the second American Mock World Health Organization conference in the United States. We had the opportunity to serve on the Dais and Executive Board of AMWHO 2014, and witnessed a momentous event in the American history of global health policy opportunities for students. As Executive Co-Directors of AMWHO 2015, we are thankful to have a fantastic framework founded by Neha Acharya, AMWHO’s President, and we look forward to innovating, advancing, and expanding AMWHO 2015 to be America’s premier global health policy conference.

We are thrilled to see such great student interest in the development of global health policy. Our ultimate goal is to create a realistic simulation of the World Health Assembly and empower students with the knowledge and skills to change the world. We strive to create a forum for open dialogue on these complex multi-player issues, providing students with the opportunity to balance national interests with the goals of the international community while learning the strengths and limitations of policy.

We are excited to present the theme of this year’s AMWHO conference – Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, describes UHC as “the single most powerful concept that public health has to offer.” In a world of increasing global inequities and changing global health needs, UHC serves as a powerful social equalizer. Although there is no single pathway for countries to achieve UHC, this theme will challenge delegates to discuss health from economic, political, social, and scientific perspectives. In writing resolutions, we urge delegates to consider the definition, fiscal and political sustainability, stakeholders, measurement, and implementation of Universal Health Coverage. We are excited to witness real-time the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals and in the hopes of reflecting this evolution in global health policy, we will look to our delegates to also incorporate the concept of sustainability into their resolutions. Our theme guide will detail all notable dimensions of Universal Health Coverage that we expect delegates to keep in mind and address in their.

We lead a distinguished secretariat with members of diverse experience– from student body presidents to medical doctors,– and from numerous fields– from business to health policy to psychology to biology. Our secretariat hails from across America and from around the globe, and we are dedicated to provide you with an outstanding conference experience.

It will be our privilege to be your host this October 2nd to 4th, 2015 at the University of North Carolina in the beautiful town of Chapel Hill. In the mean time, feel free to explore our website and sign up for our listserv to receive more information. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and will be posted on March 15th.

Questions regarding the conference can be directed to us at We encourage you to become involved in AMWHO as a delegate, and to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to contemplate, collaborate, and connect here in North Carolina.

We look forward to meeting all of you in October!

Mia Lei and Edith Lee
Co-Directors, AMWHO 2015


African Region (AFRO)

Best Delegate: Colleen Closson - South Africa

Best Position Paper: Ashwini Krishnamurty - Cameroon

Americas Region (AMRO)

Best Delegate: Colette Aroh - Grenada

Best Position Paper: Christopher Lurie - Honduras

Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO)

Best Delegate: Samantha Farley - Egypt

Best Position Paper: Dana Al Hasan - Bahrain

European Region (EURO)

Best Delegate: Jeet Patel - United Kingdom

Best Position Paper: Claire Bailey - Ukraine

Western Pacific & Southeast Asian Region (WPRO/SEARO)

Best Delegate: Mustafa Hassoun - Samoa

Best Position Paper: Rida Shams - Laos


Best Delegate: Haejung Yoon - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Participation Award: Lindsay Barth - Fox News

Participation Award: Kayla Beasley - Al Jazeera

AMWHO 2015 Secretariat

Mia Lei

Conference Co-Director

Edith Lee

Conference Co-Director

Manish Sreevatsava

W. Pacific and S.E. Asia Tech Assistant

Crystal Ki

Sponsorship Co-Director

Grace David

Media Co-Director

Nupur Jain

Internal Logistics Co-Director

Nikki Trupiano

Sponsorship Vice Director

Samantha Croffut

Public Relations Co-Director

Danni Fang

Finance Head Director

Marie Lina Excellent, MD

Public Relations Co-Director

Nae Won

External Logistics Director

Veronica Kapoor

External Logistics Vice Director

Get In Touch

Thank you for your interest in the American Mock World Health Organization, Inc. For any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this chapter, please fill out the form below.

Address & Map

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC